(931) 510-5846

What Our Customers Are Saying

We value each of our customers and are honored they chose us to protect them and their families.


Highly recommend B and H Storm shelters!

We had a 4×6 storm shelter installed a month ago. We looked into several different types but kept coming back to B and H. Brandon was great to work with. From ordering the shelter, delivery and installation, and to just answering basic questions, Brandon was knowledgeable and professional. Highly recommend B and H Storm shelters!

Trent A.

Storm Shelters Murfreesboro TN

Honest company!

Honest company, order and installed our shelter quickly and hassle free.

Jennifer D.

Storm Shelters Murfreesboro TN

I highly recommend B and H storm shelters!

We got our storm shelter today and we are so happy with it.Ive wanted one for years a big thanks to Brandon and his team .If ya’ll are thinking about getting one I highly recommend B and H storm shelters.
Talonna D.
Storm Shelters Murfreesboro TN

Price and Service Next to None. – Jasper, TN

In-Ground_Safe_RoomWe researched shelters and decided to go with . Then we researched dealers/Installer and met Brandon. Not only was his price the best but his service and expertise is second to none. He will guide you through the process giving you great advice and will do exactly what he tells you. B and H is the only way to go ! Call Brandon you’ll be glad you did.

Tom and Gayla Thomas

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you and keeping you protected.


5540 Crossville Hwy, Sparta, TN 38583

Mon. - Sat. : By Appointment Only